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Welcome To My Website!

This site is very much in its early stages, but this is my current hyperfixation and is getting updated daily. I plan for this to be primarily a format to host my art portfolio as well as a personal site to archive my thoughts and share my interests. Please visit again soon when theres more to look at!

Who Am I?

My name is Shane, Im a 19 year old transmasc artist from Texas. I say artist, but I realy haven't created all that much lately. I'm hoping that'll change soon, and that making this website will help inspire me. I plan on becoming a tattoo artist one day when I get my shit together and actually make a portfolio. Other than art, I really enjoy gaming, music, movies, and have recently been trying to get back into reading as an effort to keep the brain rot from taking over. If you'd like to contact me please do so on instagram, I'm online there roughly 50% of my waking hours unfortunately.


Jan 13:Remade this entire page from scratch to replace the pixel positioning I was using with proper columns. The apearence of the site is slightly different now as a result, mostly the Nav buttons. Originaly all the buttons were a litle offset and wonky, which was intentional, but because of the column they're all in a strainght line now. I might try to fix it tomorrow.

January 12: Today I started the journal page. I've yet to actualy post anything there or edit the theme, but it's a start. I've also added a new column on the landing page.